You’re drunk you’re drunk you silly old fool

6 07 2010

To enter North Korea you must join a tour group – no other option. You will then be guided by two experienced North Korean guides. You will also be accompanied by a representative of whatever tour company you booked with. The person who travelled with us from the tour company turned out to be just as bizarre and baffling as the country we were visiting. He was a 24 year old from New Zeeland and managed to provide as much entertainment, stress and concern as anything we saw in Korea. Instead of repeating the whole story I will instead post the letter I wrote to the company after the ordeal.


Dear All,
I hardly know how to begin writing this e mail concerning T*** C******’s distressing behaviour on the recent group tour in Korea. A few days have passed and even still I am shocked and appalled by the events.

As you probably know it began as it continued, with T*** drinking. The first sign that we were dealing with a problem case presented itself at the very beginning when T*** managed to have us all miss the (thrice weekly) train to North Korea as he stood in the station hall chatting and drinking beer after beer. Amazingly he had asked us to be there three and a half hours early, which we all were. As the time for the departure time got closer I asked him what we were waiting for and why we were not going to a platform. He seemed to think that 1) there’d be a special announcement and 2) that he’d understand it even though he admitted previously that his Chinese is particularly poor. There were no announcements the entire time we waited and he never asked a single person for assistance. We could only assume T*** knew what he was doing, he was the tour leader after all. Sadly we quickly found out that he never knows what he is doing. T*** does not have the maturity or responsibility to lead an adult group. I would suggest he’d struggle leading children around Disneyland let alone a group of
curious adults around a country as intricate and sensitive as DPR Korea. It is worth mentioning that at no point did T*** offer an apology for causing us to miss the train.

We then had to rely on his Chinese wife organising airplane tickets to another Chinese city where we hoped we could then catch the train we had unnecessarily missed. Thankfully his wife managed what T*** couldn’t and we boarded the train at 3am (instead of 6pm as planned).

Only hours after meeting T***, fueled by beer, regaled us with story after story of how drunk he gets on different occasions. This was interspersed with comments like ‘I would love to plough that Korean chick – and come to think of it I would nail her mother as well’.

T*** clearly has no concept of the customer client relationship. We all felt extremely uncomfortable with these comments and the constant bragging of his alcohol binges. We heard far, far more from T*** C******* about his relationship with alcohol than we did about DPR Korea. In fact I learnt more in one hour from Simon, a guide with Koryo Tours than I did the entire unfortunate time spent with T***.

I could write many examples of T***’s immaturity and excessive drinking but I will keep it to one rather obvious one where, after lunch he drank six glasses of rice wine in the space of one minute.

Skipping right to the end, how T*** acted on the last day was the single most astonishing behaviour I have ever witnessed. At 2pm he swaggered into our train cabin having already drunk countless beers and a half bottle of vodka. He made no sense whatsoever but attempted conversation nonetheless. Suggestions that he go and find some coffee were not even understood as he battled to form even one coherent sentence. He quickly passed out and we let him sleep until we neared the border. Our attempts to wake him up included slapping him and pouring water on his face – neither having any effect. Eventually we managed to rouse him somewhat by lifting him.

When the border officials arrived our embarrassment grew and grew. T*** spoke utter nonsense at them, for example insisting he had given them his passport when he clearly had not done any such thing. He was, at this point already, the drunkest I have ever seen any human being in my life. Bearing in mind he was working at the time and passing through a high security border and responsible for a group of five this is completely unacceptable and beyond upsetting and shocking.

Being in no condition to fill in the exit and entry forms the other gentlemen on our tour attempted it for him. Their reward for this kindness was a drunken roar of  ‘f****ing French c***s’ being yelled at them. Astonishingly after this T*** continued to drink even more and we then decided that he was on his own. We managed to sort out our train tickets and passed through the border with no help from him whatsoever.

The DPR Korea is a fascinating country but all on our group agree that our experience was hugely tainted by our guide T***. Instead of having a guide organise things for us we ended up taking care of him. Having paid quite a lot of money for this tour this is completely unacceptable.

T*** is clearly an alcoholic and in no condition to be in charge of a group. I would venture to say that he is unable to manage his own activities let alone those of others.

I am certain I speak for all five when I say that the experience with Young Pioneers last week was a disaster and a most unpleasant experience.

This has been the single most disappointing and upsetting experience I have ever had with any company.




18 responses

6 07 2010

OMG! i can’t even imagine how dreadful and frankly, scary, it must have been, sugar! it’s a wonder his behavior didn’t set off an international incident! xoxox

6 07 2010

I can’t fathom going through such a terrifying experience. Keep us posted if you receive a reply from the company, and thanks for posting the company name. I will be in South Korea next year, and if I choose to tour North Korea, I’ll be sure to stay away from that particular company.

6 07 2010

Yikes. His poor wife.

6 07 2010

savannah – he is incredibly lucky he didn’t get arrested!!

carole – I did get a reply. In fact everyone from our group wrote similar letters and we each received a reply. In the end he resigned from the company and promised he would seek help for his addiction.

catherine – that’s exactly what I thought!

7 07 2010

holy-moly Connor, sounds like you had a tour-guide from hell! on another note, if I ever have to write a letter of complaint, I will use yours as an example – great read as always!

7 07 2010

Your experience sounds absolutely appalling. How the hell was this guy still doing these tours? He must have too drunk and incapable to organise them properly for months, if not years. Was nobody monitoring his performance? A good job you emailed the company to bring his behaviour (and your total dissatisfaction) to their attention.

And as Catherine said, his poor wife. She should have thrown him off a cliff years ago.

7 07 2010

I hear he is now a captain on a North-Korean submarine…

8 07 2010

ania – well I DO like to complain hehe

nick – he hadn’t done so many tours we were told. Thing is he is a partner in the company with some other friends of his AND his poor wife. All very awkward and sad.

hidh – hehe would explain a lot

10 07 2010

Good grief! I’ve never heard anything like it. They’d want to throw in a free trip somewhere for my money! Actually, sounds more like Australian behaviour so I’m glad to see he’s a Kiwi!

10 07 2010

whoa. he was your tour guide? he drank six glasses of wine in one minute? and he is still alive?

12 07 2010

baino – they offered us all 50 euro as an apology. Never did get it though…

laurie – it was astonishing how much he could drink and still continue to walk

14 07 2010

I’m sitting here completely stunned after reading your account of this guy’s behaviour!

I’m sorry you and your fellow travellers had this v. negative experience.

As a New Zealander, I’d like to offer my sincerely apologies on behalf of all Kiwis. This is NOT typical behaviour of our people. In fact, we are renown worldwide for our ‘good’ behaviour whilst travelling.

I hope it hasn’t put you off the rest of us.

Go well, and stay travels:)

14 07 2010

“safe” travels 🙂

24 08 2010

Ohhhhh that sounds bad. At least it all came right in the end. Oh, bad, bad, bad

30 08 2010

Hi, my name is Gareth, another partner at YPT. We were all very embarrassed by what happened. I fully understand you posting this. To be fair we have taken over 200 people to Korea, and have great relations with the Koreans. This was the first time we have had problems, and since then only myself or Shan have led tours. Regarding the 50 offered, the group turned it down by e-mail, but I would gladly send it right now, should you wish it.

11 02 2011

Conortje, Troy hasn’t resigned at all – he’s still listed on the Contact Us page ( ) and is listed as the official guide for at least one tour : May 2011 ( ) “Meet your western Guide Troy at 2 pm in the SanLiTun district of Beijing to go through DPRK procedure, and to receive your tickets and visa.”

11 02 2011

Thanks for that update Jon – it seems they are a bunch of liars in addition to everything else. Unbelievable!

21 02 2011

wow. I am awed by this experience, but totally understand it as I experienced a similar trip with YPT, albeit with a much more positive overall experience. Our guide was different, but had the same tendencies when it came to alcohol. Suffice to say there were nearly missed trains, broken legs, and all sorts of babble inbetween. My real concern however is for S*** the wife of your guide (also a countryman of mine), who is highly capable, endearing, and in my opinion holds the entire company together. For her sake, I hope G and T grow up, realize they have a problem and get their act together pronto. My condolensces for your unpleasant experience.

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