Toys for Boys

27 04 2007

There’s always one story that gets dragged up again and again at family get-togethers isn’t there? The story that’s rolled out most often to disgrace you in front of innocent civilian friends.  Having been a rather inventive young boy I have acquired more than enough to offer my all too eager family members a large healthy stock to choose from. There’s one that we always seem to come back to though – no matter how hard I try and remain calm and nonchalant during its telling.

When I was about five years old a rare opportunity presented itself to me. The house was quiet and sadly none of my millions of sisters were about to terrorise. With my main raison d’être unavailable I decided to explore my sister’s room and try and discover some secrets with which I could use to bribe her later.  It was thoroughly disappointing – my sister was obviously highly skilled at hiding any incriminating evidence. My exploration wasn’t entirely in vain though as I stumbled across some special sports devices (there was a picture of a girl playing tennis on the box) that would solve one of my recent nagging problems. My new pair of shoes was just a tad too large for my tiny feet. Being able to move about quickly is essential in a large family believe me – emergency getaways being an integral factor in survival of the fittest. My new discovery was exactly the right size to place in my shoes and provide me finally with the perfect fit. Even better they came with a special sticky side so they wouldn’t move around in my shoe. These really were the perfect insoles.  

The house was never quiet for long and pretty soon sisters flooded back in and I had to hastily abandon my plan to make a cunning map of my sister’s room. I didn’t think any more of the day’s adventures but about a week later my mother made a most unusual discovery of her own. While tidying away the usual detritus we left everywhere were my two perfectly fitting shoes. She was utterly baffled and astonished to look inside them to find a sanitary towel neatly stuck into each shoe. A child genius I was I reckon!



13 responses

27 04 2007

Ah, this is so much more dignified and entertaining embarrassing story than those told in our family reunions – usually about me falling into the lake every midsummer night or my brother having a No. 2 accident and trying to blame it on our cousin (“Matt did a poo in my pants.” – hardly plausible but always worth a try..) 😀

27 04 2007

Conortje I love it,

I am off to work in the garden with a smile. Thank you!

27 04 2007

Well Lauranen there was the time my sister promised the little boy next door that if he showed her his bottom she’d show him …. our other sister’s bottom. She went on to be a manager strangely enough.

Grannymar – I’m so jealous. It’s so hot and sunny outside and I’m stuck in an air conditioned office where I can’t even open a window 😦

27 04 2007
Dario Sanchez

You should try opening a fizzy drinks stand – I was six, okay? – and ending up putting three-in-one oil into some of the cups by mistake.

Inducing vomiting seemed to work the best, but I’ve never lived that down.

27 04 2007
Liam G

Now if you could only translate some of that clearly innate ingenuity into becoming the best human resources distance learner ever, your bank manager could come off the Prozac 🙂

27 04 2007

By mistake Dario – you expect us to believe that? I have this image of you being like Stewie from ‘Family Guy’ out to rule the world – first step kill off the annoying family with three-in-one oil:-)

27 04 2007
Hangar Queen

Excellent story.I spewed tea when I read it.When I was a sprog I went through the firebug phase.I was mad for burning paper and I loved brown paper bags best.They were fairly solid and gave you more bang for for your buck so to speak.
One day I set fire to a bag that had a brand new pair of my dad’s trousers in it.The kicking I got for that one stayed with me for a while *twitchs and spills a little of her mojito*

27 04 2007

Hee hee! Cute story.

When I was a wee whipper snapper I sent off a coupon I found in my sisters Smash Hits or something for free sanitary towels. My reasoning? My mum could always do with extra fluffy towels for the bath and the shower.

They never arrived. It could have something to do with the childish hand writing, and the requester’s name being Alan.

28 04 2007

I don’t know which I like more, the story or that you tagged it with “sanitary towels”!

29 04 2007


They stay in there better if you (s)tampon them first.

30 04 2007


Bizarre the same thing happened with my friend’s brother, except he put them in his football boots and got slagged merciless for the rest of the year.

You have reminded me of another hygiene story to post

30 04 2007

Liam G – are you actually my bank manager? 🙂

HQ – I feel your pain even from all the years ago – I think I need a mojito too to make me feel better

Beth – someone’s going to be awfully disappointed to end up here by looking up that tag hehehe

Derfen – lol – What can I say – that’s brilliant – Damn! I wish I’d thought of it

Flirty – I can’t believe I am not unique – hmm perhaps this is something to look into further – there might be money in it

7 07 2007



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